As you may be aware, The IBM Collaboration Software sale to HCL was finalized July 1, 2019. There is still a great deal of work to be done, but I can assure you that HCL is committed to you as customers as well as the software platforms you and your team work with on a daily basis. The following information is intended to assist in your interactions with HCL.
Below are four sites you will either need to register at or know about for HCL. We would strongly suggest that you use the same username and password for all 4 sites as these sites do not use Single Sign-On. Please contact us if you need your HCL customer number.
Sign up for the HCL Client Advocacy Program:
This program provides direct connection to and representation within HCL. While not mandatory, we recommend that customers large, medium and as small as one sign up. Be sure to list Workflow Studios as your business partner.
This FAQ link gives you more details on the program.—client-advocacy-faqs.html.
Register on HCL Partner Connect:
Even though you may have an HCL account number, you still need to complete Customer & Partner Registration on this site:
The primary contact at your company should complete or confirm the requested information during the registration process. Any additional users who will need to open support tickets or download software also need to register. Then, the primary contact can assign them roles as appropriate.
Register for HCL Software Customer Support:
To date, we have been pleased with the responsiveness of the HCL support team. Complete Customer registration for support here:
As mentioned above, employees must be registered on HCL Partner Connect ( and have an assigned role in order to open a support ticket at
Get access to HCL Software Licensing and Download:
Once logged in to your HCL account, you will find your entitlements and downloads here,
If your entitlements are not correct or missing, please send me a copy of your IBM Proof of Entitlement and we will open a support ticket to update your account.
If you have ANY questions about any of this information, please do not hesitate to call or email me (713-869-2600 / I can route you to the Workflow technical team or direct to HCL as appropriate.
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WorkFlow Studios is an IBM Premier Partner helping clients achieve excellence in three key areas: Collaboration, Business Intelligence and Process Management.